The department is responsible for performing tests that majorly support HIV vaccine research in monitoring the safety of HIV vaccines in clinical trials specifically biochemistry and haematological tests as well as measuring the immunogenicity of these study products. In addition the lab supports basic science research and field studies through use of a well-equipped state of the art laboratory and highly trained staff. Since 2007 the laboratory has maintained accreditation in Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) by Qualogy Ltd and recently under DAIDS-GCLP monitored study labs.
The laboratory is comprised of 4 section; Safety, Serology, Immunology and Molecular sections
Safety Section
The section is dedicated to monitoring the safety of study products and is comprises of 2 Units; Clinical chemistry and Haematology.
Clinical Chemistry Unit
The unit employs state-of-the-art automated Chemistry analyser i.e. the COBAS C111 for sample handling, capable of analysing up to 500 routine biochemical tests. The chemistry test menu includes Liver function test, renal function tests, electrolytes, Cardiac and lipid profiles.
Haematology Unit
The unit performs routine automated haematological testing using the Sysmex Haematology Analyzer to measure the complete blood counts (CBC). Morphological assessments of peripheral blood smears is also manually done.
Serology Section
The section specialises in the serological testing for common and complex immunologic diseases. A range of qualitative and quantitative analytic methods including rapid testing for HIV and Syphilis, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for HIV and Hepatitis C, automated immunoassays using the Mini-Vidas equipment to test for Hepatitis B and other disease profiles are offered here. Testing in this unit encompasses evaluation and monitoring of these and other infectious diseases.
Immunology Section
Flow Cytometry Unit
The unit is integral to the complex monitoring of the immune responses to study vaccines during clinical trials as well as basic science research in immunophenotypic evaluations. The LSR II multi-colour flow cytometer (Up to 18 colours) (Insert Link to LSR11 configuration) is utilised complemented with a data analysis station using the FACS diva and Flow-jo software. Visiting scientists, Post graduate students and collaborating institutions utilise the facility for basic sciences research as well as training needs.

The unit has standard procedures for Isolation of PBMC and performance of ELISPOT assays for both fresh and thawed cells. The cell counts and Viability is automatically done using the Coulter VI-Cell Blu cell counter and the Interferon Gamma response are quantified using the AID reader.

Molecular Section
The section forms part of the basic sciences support lab and comprises of a set of Thermal cyclers, a Molecular Imager® Gel Doc™ XR+ System and E-Gel Imager Technologies used for agarose DNA gel images for fast, easy quantification of gels and blots. The IAVI –VISTA program research work uses this facility.